Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Anzac Biscuit Recipe

Who doesn’t love an Anzac Biscuit?

This traditional Aussie biscuit is said to have originated during WW1, when wives would bake these treats at home and send them to their husbands on the front line. The biscuits were easily transportable and contained ingredients that wouldn’t spoil easily on a long journey.

We went searching for a healthier alternative for these treats and Teresa Cutter from www.thehealthychef.com has come up with a great recipe and some variations that are sure to hit the spot for nutrition and taste.

You’ll find her delicious recipe here: http://www.thehealthychef.com/2014/04/anzac-biscuits/

 anzac biscuits
Which one would you like to try?

 At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them. Lest we forget.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Start Your Day Right!

What’s the first thing you drink or eat in the morning? A cup of coffee? Some muesli? Have you considered the benefits of your first drink of the day being warm water with lemon?

Here are some great reasons to starting your day with this revitalising drink:
  • It kick starts your digestion for the day. Lemons are high in minerals and vitamins that help loosen toxins in the digestive tract.
  • Lemon has powerful antibacterial properties
  • It has pectin fibre which is important for colon health
  • Reduction of pain in joints as it dissolves uric acid
  • Detoxifies the liver
  • Lemons are packed with vitamin C for immunity and to promote healing
  • It is a gentle diuretic
  • Hydration for your body
  • Because of its very low sugar content and high alkaline mineral content, lemons actually have an alkalising effect on the body.
Warm water is the key, not hot or cold as the body reacts differently to these conditions. Ashley Pitman, a wellness educator and cleanse specialist recommends adopting the practice of drinking a cup of warm water with lemon in the morning for a month and seeing how it can radically alter your experience of the day.

Will you join us in the challenge? Let us know how you feel after having it in the mornings!