Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Magnesium - Why is it so important?

After last week’s post, our good friend and Naturopath Sharon Hespe commented on the benefits of magnesium to help with the symptoms of TMJD. So today, we thought we would talk about magnesium and how important it is for the healthy functioning of our bodies.

Magnesium is an element that is essential to all living cells. As our body is unable to produce its own magnesium, we are required to get it from other sources (see below). Magnesium is essential for:

·         Muscle and nerve function
·         Blood glucose control
·         Energy production
·         Enzyme functions
·         The transport of calcium across cells

 Some signs that you may be low in magnesium:

·         Muscle cramps
·         Dizziness
·         Fatigue
·         Anxiety
·         Nausea
·         Type II Diabetes
·         Poor memory
·         High blood pressure

 Foods that are high in magnesium:

·         Almonds
·         Cashews
·         Black beans
·         Avocado
·         Potato with the skin on
·         Bananas
·         Oatmeal
·         Salmon
·         Broccoli

If you are concerned about your intake of magnesium, talk to either Alisa or Sharon (www.sharonhespe.com) will help you to understand how you can improve it and advise whether or not a supplement may be helpful.

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